Crushing early Gaz-esque guitar tone and solos. Like Iommi and Bower, Gregg Anderson is a master of attack and sustain. Production values that sucker kidney punch ya then lock you up and pile-drive yer skull to the mat like some overweight 80's era WWF bad guy. Yeah, HEAVY. Lyrics a bit cheesy, but that kinda comes with the "Jolly Doom" territory. Soul sister vocals are a bit canned in places. Would have been more effective had they been sung live with Pete in the same room every track. That said, Pete sounds really good here. Overall a 3.5 outta 5 thus far. Rating will prolly go up with repeated listens. This one feels like a grower.
Yeah. This is a fucking great album. It improves with time....
_________________ Dynaco Sansui Marantz Line Magnetic Kyocera Oppo NAD Rotel Yamaha/Denon Denon/Grado Sony/Nagaoka dbx 3BX III Large Advent Heritage Klipsch/Crites
Last edited by libertycaps on Fri Aug 21, 2015 2:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.